How it all started : PLUR Kingdom and KingsNewCraft
PLUR Kingdom was founded & established by me, King Zoe PLUR ! This all started as a dream to bring back kandi, artistry & music diversity to the rave scene in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We all start somewhere; my start was with a kandi & flow focused, multi-genre house party on a cold December 1st night in 2018.
Originally going by the name PLURsburgh, I began hosting house parties at any house that the local ravers let me use (thanks for that by the way). On November 16th, 2019, I hosted my first rave at a venue . Coming up with names is something I really enjoy, I had to bring it in with a bang so I deemed my first official rave : Clap Them Alien Cheeks . Remember the Area 51 raid memes going around? Yeah, it was a play on that - and it worked. I sold over 300 tickets and packed a run down venue with inadequate heating & 1.5 working bathrooms. Ravers danced & traded kandi on 2 stages playing every genre from jungle , dubstep, hardcore, drum and bass, house , to trance. People who hadn't gone to a rave in almost a decade were gathered by the kandi & video games, socializing with the new generation of ravers. The PLUR dreams were alive that night and I knew I couldn't stop there.
I began hosting annual raves including LUB-DUB: The Sound of Love & PLUR Kingdom Pride Picnic (originally PLURsburgh Pride Picnic). After hosting the first LUB-DUB , I had received offers and opportunities from some of the talent booked who came from California. Spoiler alert : those things would never end up happening due to the pandemic.
Anyways, I wanted to change my name to make it more inclusive to other areas other than Pittsburgh and I wanted to make it something more meaningful to me. Through brainstorming I realized “hey, my rave name is already KingPLUR. Why not just call my promotion company PLUR Kingdom?”
So that's what I did ! Even after the transcontinental plans fell through, I was really glad to make the change. I love Pittsburgh and I love representing talent from where I grew up. But I also put together events to create a dreamlike state, a ravers fantasy. The name PLUR Kingdom fully encompasses the feeling I want my parties to give off.
Then we were all left in our homes for almost 2 years & just like everyone else - I was making a ton of art. I used to sell my art when I was younger just because I made so much of it . I thought maybe I can sell art at raves, make some extra money to put towards the events. I'll be going out to promote or party anyways so why not make money while doing what I love !
It seemed like such a flawless plan but I didn't realize it would be way more work than it was when I was living with my parents…
The name KingsNewCraft comes from one of my favorite storybooks when I was a kid. It’s called Emperor's New Clothes (no - not Emperors New Groove , but that's also a piece of nostalgia from my childhood) I wanted something that was obviously tied to PLUR Kingdom & I didn't want to just go by King Zoe PLUR or Zoe Aries Rita , I knew I wanted my art to be a separate thing . When I talk about the things I'm doing - I like to say “ this is for PLUR Kingdom , this is for KingsNewCraft '' & people just know I mean “Raves & Art '' . I would rather say that than “ this is for my rave shit, this is for my art shit” what you actually do gets kind of confusing when you do multiple things , all in the same scene . It all kinda bleeds together & I didn't want that.
Selling art started very similar to how I started hosting events; it all starts at the house party.
I noticed people would always show up to afterparties, raves, house parties, wherever there was music & drunk people - and they would just pull out some of their art and sell it with no problems. I had some inventory of earrings and pendants at the start of everything.
One night for a house party, I put them in little bags and pinned them to a bulletin board to bring out. I sold at least 3 pieces that night! I was shocked that it really worked! From there I would bring some inventory to festivals to sell unofficially at my campsite. The first event I officially sold art at was a local festival called Family Campout (2021) and after that I vended at the first ever Fall Daze(2021) which was also the first Festival that I Co-Hosted!
Currently, I host Fall Daze with Diversity Productions every year and we just added Metamind Artistry to the team of Hosts for Fall Daze 2023.
I love selling art at festivals but I think that's just because that's where I mainly sold art to begin with. I'm finally getting more used to selling art at shorter events like raves & craft shows. It's been a couple years of selling art & now I do this full time! I'm so thankful to be living this life ; I couldn't do it without supporters like you :)
Thank you so much for existing and for reading my story :)
King Zoe PLUR

come party !
Follow PLUR Kingdom or KingsNewCraft on Facebook & Instagram for updates on upcoming events!
Thank you for existing !
King Zoe PLUR